Emerging Trends in Education & Social Sciences

About Book
After December 2019 till now globally education at all levels is greatly transformed in its spirit and practice. The technological transitions introduced new challenges and trends into the formal systems of teaching-learning arena hence these improvements brought conversions in teaching m
Women University Mardan Organized two days International Conference on Emerging Trends in Education & Social Sciences (Online) on June 9th and 10th 2021. ICETESS 2021 had taken much interest from researchers and academicians. We appreciate the all the participations from ASIA, Europe and USA and pay deep THANKS to all the International and National Keynote Speakers from UK, USA, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan. methodologies and pedagogies but it also renovated the ways and means of learning as well. The global emergency phase has blessed the global teaching with most remarkable perspective in education: E-Teaching-Learning Trends.
Women University Mardan Organized two days International Conference on Emerging Trends in Education & Social Sciences (Online) on June 9th and 10th 2021. ICETESS 2021 had taken much interest from researchers and academicians. We appreciate the all the participations from ASIA, Europe and USA and pay deep THANKS to all the International and National Keynote Speakers from UK, USA, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, and Pakistan.
ICETESS was a multi-purpose activity which not only covered academic side but also provided an inclusive environment for multi-cultural understanding and interaction. This platform successfully gathered the global academicians, researchers, speakers, thinkers and listeners who constructed an inclusively contextual cultural understanding. This splendidly comprehensive and careful analysis of contemporary rational about emerging trends in education and social sciences brought together new thoughts from all over the world; who were the experts in their fields, illuminated broad ranging representation of the topics.
Editorial Board

Prof. Dr. Ghazala Yasmeen

Dr. Farah Khan

Dr. Maria khan