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The Department of Economics Women University Mardan was established in October 2016, with the aim to equipped female professionals with economic education in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in particular and in Pakistan in general. Economics determine much of today’s social and political landscape. As we know, it is the science of decision making. As individuals, communities, companies and governments, we face choices every day, weighing up costs and benefits of our decisions. With the ongoing drive of globalization, economics remains a key element. As a result, the demand for fresh economics graduates is on the rise. This is because these students will be well equipped with various tools and techniques to solve complex problems on any scale. The department possesses fully equipped class rooms, computer lab and library. The programs at the Department of Economics are geared towards meeting the needs of rapidly changing market requirements. If you want to become competitive; come and study with us.


The degrees in Economics are professional degrees that will prepare students for careers in the private sector as economic analysts in business, consultancy firms, financial institutions, and applied research firms. They may also find jobs in international organizations, government & non-profit organizations (non-government organizations, universities and other teaching jobs).

Level of degrees offered

  • BS Economics
  • M.Sc Economics

Future Programme

  • M.Phil economics
  • PhD in economics.


Our vision is to boost the skills of students and enable them to understand the world economic system, its organizations and procedures, and to apply the knowledge according to the Socio-Economic requirements of Pakistan.


Our mission is to educate female students to possess high professional competence combined with humanistic and moral values with a grip over analytical skills and the ability to contribute to development of policies and undertake independent research.


  • To enhance the educational standards of the country and equipping the students with the knowledge and practical skills to meet the challenges of the new era. 
  • To contribute to the society by promoting the knowledge of the subject and enlightening the minds of the students.

Academic Programs:

Duration: 4 Years / 8 semesters


Dr. Asma Saeed

Head of Department
Assistant Professor
Email: asmasaeed@wumardan.edu.pk Qualification: PhD


Dr Hira Iqbal

Assistant Professor
Email:hira.iqbal@wumardan.edu.pk Qualification: PhD


Contact No: 0937 871 416

Email:  economics@wumardan.edu.pk