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Physics lies between the core of all scientific and technical disciples. Department of Physics leads the nation on a great journey of discovery, seeking new knowledge and understanding of our planet Earth, our Sun and solar system, and the universe out to its farthest reaches and back to its earliest moments of existence. To build a foundation a foundation for excellence and encourage the development of institution as a primer institution by ignition of Science and promoting enthusiasm, interest and passion in the field of Physics and in professional courses as a part of curriculum.


  • Our mission is to provide a creative and stimulating environment for the education of future generation scientists.
  • Department of Physics collaborates on joint research project with industry to contribute to the development of knowledge and innovation based economy as well as components of women university Mardan to strengthen multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary research and potential to integrate into Pakistan Research Areas.
  • Providing our students with rigorous and comprehensive courses that allows them to perform at international level, fostering curiosity and excitement about physics world.
  • Maintaining Machines and electronics equipments facilities that enhance undergraduate, graduate and Physics research laboratory in University.

Academic Programs:

Duration: 4 Years / 8 semesters


Dr. Ambreen Ayub

Head of Department
Assistant Professor
Email : ayubambreen@hotmail.com Qualification : Ph.D


Ms. Saff E Awal Akhtar

Email : uroojuog1999@gmail.com
Qualification : PhD (IN Progress)



Email: see_kazmi@hotmail.com Qualification : PhD

Contact No: 0937-871418
Email : physics@wumardan.edu.pk