The department of Political Science was established on 23 November 2016. Political Science deals with various aspects of life. As a field of study it reaches many levels from the evolution of political philosophy and the character of contemporary political concepts to the problems of development in emerging nations, crisis of governance in Pakistan to the interaction of state, society and system in the international arena. Political Scientists use both humanistic and scientific approaches to study how political communities attempt to reconcile the claims of justice, power, liberty, and authority. The department offers two years Masters Programme and four years Bachelors programme in Political Science.
On the Horizon
To focus on inter-disciplinary studies, policy relevant research, knowledge sharing and international collaborations. To produce researchers and students who are fully devoted to the state of Pakistan and its Islamic ideology. To achieve top position in the institutions of higher learning and research in the fields of International Relations and Political Science in Pakistan.
The department aims at achieving continuous progress in imparting education and training to students to create political consciousness in them and train them to shoulder the future responsibilities in a manner that satisfies the expectations of the nation. To enable the females of the region toactively participate in national and international conferences, seminars and workshops, offering their input on crucial issues of Pakistanforeign policy, South Asian security and other subjects relevant to their respective spheres of specialization.To achieve this, the department will update and revise its syllabi so as to keep up with the education needs of a rapidly developing Pakistan.
- To impart quality education to students at B.S and M.Alevels and produce quality research in the field at par with international level.
- To address the lack of social sciences institutions by introducing new fields of specialization andto expand the range of choices for students.
- To emphasize on holding conferences and seminars to keep students in touch with the experts and the field.
- To set up a think tank where issues of national, regional and international importance are researched and sharing policy relevant research findings of faculty members and research scholars with relevant government and state institutions and independent think tanks.
Academic Programs:
Duration: 4 Years / 8 semesters
Faculty Members

Dr. Hassina Bashir
Head of Department
Assistant Professor
Email: hassinabashir10@yahoo.com
Qualification: PhD

Dr. Nelofar Ikram
Assistant Professor
Email: nelofar.ikram79@gmail.com
Qualification: PhD

Anfal Afridi
Email: anfalafridi@wumardan.edu.pk
Qualification: Mphil

Ms. Sarah Khan
Email: sarazarkhan4795@gmail.com
Qualification : Mphil
Contact No: 0937 871 416