Training about Enhancing Biological Laboratories Capabilities in Pakistan
Women University Mardan in collaboration with Association for Biorisk Management and Health Security Partners has been carrying a series of activities with the purpose to strengthen the laboratories and enhance the skills of the staff including faculty members, research scholars and lab technicians on laboratory biorisk management system. In continuation to the previous trainings a Two-day Complementary Biorisk Management Skills Development Training was successfully conducted for faculty member, research scholars and lab technicians of Microbiology department on 22-23rd May, 2023. The training enhanced participants knowledge and skills in biorisk assessment, mitigation, performance, incident management, Donning and doffing of PPE, and waste management. Prof Dr Ghazala Yasmeen, Vice Chancellor Women University Mardan attended the closing ceremony of the training. She appreciated the efforts of ABM and emphasised on the importance of biorisk management training for the faculty, students and laboratory staff of Microbiology department, followed by certificate distribution among the participants of the training.