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The department of English was established in October 2016 keeping in view the significance of the discipline of English with a goal to produce well-informed, thoughtful, responsible and productive individuals who can contribute in the society in a positive manner. The department also provide support to all other departments of the university by offering inter-disciplinary courses of English. The department of English is a vibrant hub of academic, intellectual and cultural activities. Currently, it is running two full-time programs .i.e. Bachelors and Masters.


English language occupies an important place in this age of globalization. BS and Master’s degree in English Literature and Linguistics give students many of the skills most highly valued in today’s job market: oral and written communication skills, critical thinking/problem-solving skills, research skills, and organizational skills. The courses offered at the Department help to equip the students with the knowledge and research skills thereby enabling them to comprehend, appreciate and evaluate literature in general and literary texts in particular, using the latest learning/teaching methodology. A degree in English enables the students to pursue their career after qualifying commission exams, besides teaching career in school, college or university. Thus it ensures a promising career besides polishing their skills. The pedagogical practices emphasize and promote teamwork and the development of interpersonal skills. This will make them creative and successful professionals in future.


Our vision is to create individuals who excel not just in studies but are better humans as well. The department aspires to have a distinct place both in research and academic fields. The programs offered to the students have been envisioned to bring out the best in students and make them intellectual, critical and creative, so that they develop into responsible citizens with a better perception of society.


The mission of department of is to cultivate a sense of understanding, knowledge, and appreciation of the English language, its speakers, and writers, and its literatures and cultures, in such a manners that students and department members use the language creatively, critically, and effectively to participate ethically in civil and professional life. We are focused on researching and teaching the rich history of English language, fostering exceptional creative as well as critical writing. The focus is also on English language, its impact and related issues on global level.


  • To promote interest in and knowledge about the Linguistics context in which literary works exist.
  • To allow students to learn relevant literary and social history as well as acquire training in careful textual analysis.
  • To prepare students to become effective teachers, equipping them to teach composition and literature course and assisting them to develop their teaching potential through experience.
  • To support scholarly development of the faculty and students by promoting teaching and research assistantship program that bring faculty and student s together to work on pedagogical and scholarly issues of mutual interest.

Academic Programs:

Duration: 4 Years / 8 semesters


Miss Kiran Qamar

Head of Department
Qualification :Mphil


Miss Nazish

Email:nazishkhan@wumardan.edu.pk Qualification:Mphil


Miss Wardah Naveed

Email:wardahnaveed15@gmail.com Qualification:Mphil


Contact No: 0937 871 416

Email:  faryalshuaib@wumardan.edu.pk